About Us

AntiquesKnowHow is the world for those who are interested in historical and vintage items! We provide fact-based, accurate expert guides to help people identify, value, and restore various ancient antiques.

Our expert writers provide their knowledge, facts, and research-based content that guides people in identifying pricey vintage items in stores and DIY restoring them for a higher valuation!

Our Mission

History must be remembered and preserved, and AntiquesKnowHow is a step in that regard. Our mission is to educate people about the historical perspective of vintage items, along with their importance and worth. 

We strive to be the go-to source for expert advice on antique and vintage projects as well as the best resources of information for folks who treasure old things.

At AntiquesKnowHow, we try to revive the love for antiques.

Who We Are


Antiques Expert

Judith is an antique expert with nearly 20 years of experience in the field of antique identification and valuation. She has reviewed over 30 thousand vintage items and has worked with numerous antique shops. She enjoys seeing new places, attending antique shows and events, and sharing her knowledge with people!

Read my latest content

Need Help with the Identification and Valuation of Your Antiques?

If you have any items in your inventory that look vintage, we can help you identify and value those antiques.

Share high-quality images of the item from all sides along with relevant information, like where you found it, how long you’ve had it, and any other details that will help us evaluate it. 

Email the pictures and details to judith@antiquesknowhow.com

I will help you identify your precious item and provide you with the best advice for restoration and valuation!

Get in Touch

We welcome you to reach out to us for any inquiries or information. You can contact us through different email addresses based on your needs:

Another convenient way to reach us is through our Contact Us form on our website.